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​How effective are those plug in fireplaces?

Jun 24th 2015

How effective are those plug in fireplaces?

It is certain that nowadays we are all looking for that warmth & savings in heating our home. It seems as if the stand alone fireplaces are starting to become the new fad. After all; EVERYONE is selling them- Why not? They come in a variety of styles, sizes, & color. Of course, the big sales pitch is that they can save you tons of money in heating expenses….but do they really? Today we are going to look at that! Do they really save you that kind of money-

Lets start here:

There are several factors involved when considering your purchase of a fireplace. What room are you wanting to heat? What is the square footage per room? How many do you think you will need? Are they safe for animals/children? How much money will you save?

  • First of all, let’s talk about the modern electric fireplace. And we can safely talk about them because they are all the same. The “guts” of any electric fireplace is nearly identical to the “guts” of any other. There are dozens and they are all alike. Regardless of cabinetry (wood or fake metal) there is a sheet metal box with fake plastic logs in it that “glow” and a screen in the back where flames are projected. That sounds cheesy, but you’d be surprised how it gives the effect of a real fire in the back of your mind. They all have an IR remote control unit, to adjust the flame “height” and turn them on and off. And most have a heater with a blower, usually only 1000 watts or so.
    The actual fireplace “box” is the same, no matter what enclosure it comes with. So when shopping for one, the only thing that is different is the nature of the enclosure, and the price.
  • Second-you need to understand that “one” fireplace will not heat your entire house; unless you live in a small one room efficiency, or if your part of the tiny house movement. Chances are, you are going to have to purchase more than one. In addition-you need to make sure that you have “winterized” your home to get the most out of your heaters.
  • Most if not all are generally safe for animals & children. Here is where you would use common sense when it comes to ANY electrical appliance of any sort.
  • Information all over the internet speaks of all types of pros & cons to saving money with an electric fireplace. So, what to do? When considering buying an electric fireplace; understand that you do not want to be totally dependent on it. You must have a back up heat source just in case. If you are looking to save a TON of money, then look someplace else. You will save money in the long run, & electric fireplaces do pay for themselves in yes, purchasing one for a heat source is not a bad decision, when you consider all the dynamics involved.

Now that you have made your decision in purchasing a certainly don’t want to have to pay largely out of pocket for one. That is where Stover’s Liquidation comes in. We are a liquidation store-we specialize in closeout and liquidation merchandise, so you’ll benefit from exceptional savings when you purchase a fireplace from Stover’s Liquidation. Check us out in store or online-or give us a call at any of our locations & we will be happy to assist you in your decision & answer any questions that you may have!